Choosing Your Homes Flooring

Choosing a new floor for your home can be a very difficult decision, especially with so many different options available on the market. Very few will deny that a genuine timber floor really does look incredible, though a lesser number of people will be overjoyed at paying for the cost of it. When it comes to a good combination of looks, cost and durability, the laminate floor meets all of the criteria,which is why it is a very popular choice for many households. There was a time when a laminate floor was seen as a bit of a liability when it came to the resale value of the property, though as laminates properties have been steadily improved, this no longer seems to be quite the case.

The Economics

Many people thinking about a new floor, first learn about the properties of laminated floors, when they realise how much less it costs to install than many other options. When you consider the combination of looks and durability, as good or better than other options, laminates provide very attractive price benefits. Historically it has not been considered the classiest of options, but it has a proven track record of performance and cost is not the only good reason for choosing it.

Installation and Maintenance

Installation of early laminate floors was a fairly arduous process, with each board having to be individually glued into place, so work was fairly slow. Products available today though feature a click and lock, or fold and lock design, allowing the floor to be very swiftly laid down, interconnecting with each other like ajigsaw puzzle. No specialist tools are necessary, with the board itself beingrelatively soft, and can be cut to size very simply, with nothing more than a utility knife. Once fitted maintenance is almost non-existent, with the surface being almost impervious to damage like dents and scratches. Stains are easily removed, though in case of serious damage, the piece cannot be sanded and will need to be replaced, though this is not difficult, or expensive.

Appearance and Functionality

Your local laminate flooring stores can offer arange of finishes, faithfully resembling wood, stone or other natural looking surfaces,with consistent appearance and quality. Natural products tend to have periodicimperfections, but with the laminate floor none of the pieces will need to bediscarded or reworked. An underlayment is advisable, which subsequentlyprovides a slightly springy surface, helpful for when one spends time in thekitchen cooking for a long period.

Environmentally Friendly

Laminate floors are made from wood, often recycled already, and which can be recycled again when their working life is finished. It can be reused, meaning you have the option to rip it up from one part of the house, and relay it somewhere else, or even take it with you when you move. It is extremely easy to keep clean and looking great, with simple sweeping and vacuuming taking care of the majority of it. Deep spillsshould be cleaned up to prevent any chance of excess moisture being able toseep into cracks, but a simple mopping will easily remove and dirt or stainswhich may accumulate. With ever longer warranties from the manufacturers, it iseasy to see the laminate floor continue to grow in popularity.